April 21, 2012

39 weeks [praying for Judah]

Development Prayers:

Judah continues to build a layer of fat to help control his body temperature after birth, but it's likely he already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds. The outer layers of his skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath. Pray that his environment continues to be a healthy one and that labor starts soon.  Next week is my due date, and I would LOVE to meet him as soon as possible.  :)


  • Stretch marks! I saw them for the first time two nights ago--they are way low below my belly button and I almost missed them.  But alas, they are there.  Really hoping they don't get higher, but I have stretch marks on my legs (thank you puberty), so it wouldn't be a first. 
  • Low muscle pain--anytime I go to stand up or sit up, it's like my muscles are refusing. 
  • Swelling--my face has officially joined in the fun of my feet and hands.  
  • I feel like his is sitting/pushing on every organ in my body--not sure how that is supposed to feel, but I just do.
  • My belly button is freaky looking--I've always had a bit of an outie, but who knew skin could stretch this much--it's so weird.
  • Joel's been making me go to bed early, which I am glad, because I am feeling a lot more rested.  
  • I'm still having Braxton Hicks daily and feel Judah move often.
  • One thing that hasn't happened that most people tell me would was that I haven't peed on myself when he moves or I sneeze. I definitely feel him hit my bladder, but thankfully I haven't had any drips! :)
  • I'm still working and will continue to work until labor starts or next Friday--whichever comes sooner. I'm so thankful to have a job that isn't demanding, so I wouldn't have to waste any maternity leave on guesstimating when he would come. But I'm guessing that after another week, I'll be ready to set up camp at home if he's not here.  I have everything at work wrapped up and even had time to make a little binder with all the things I do to let the grad assistant know where to find everything, who to contact, what's expected, and any deadlines that I've set.  I've created a very tightly organized system over the past 4 years to keep up with all of our many publications in the department, so I'm praying that someone coming in will be able to keep up with it and nothing will fall through the cracks.   

1 comment:

  1. Keep on truckin'! He's out of room, so he feels liberated enough to take up more of YOUR body and YOUR organs. :) You have a very wise husband. Glad you're feeling rested! Love you!!
