February 2, 2012

baby class

Baby classes are in full swing!  This baby was from the latest one we took this past weekend.  But before this one, we took one last month that was about delivery, knowing the signs of labor, watching labor videos, and other fun (disturbing) stuff.  We went with three other couples in our church, which was interesting because we had two extremes.  On one hand, we had Joel, who meticulously read through every page in our packet, and then you had another husband who closed his eyes and started rocking back and forth with hands over his ears during a vaginal birth video, haha.  I don't know which one was worse.  :) 

This last class we did one our own and learned about all the basics that come with a new baby.  Feeding, diapers, burping, signs to look out for, ways to engage your baby, car seat safety, how to bathe a baby (this I had NO clue about), things to avoid, sleeping strategies, etc.  It was 5 hour class and they covered a lot of ground. 

We learned how to swaddle, deal with "baby blues" and postpartum, recover from birth, and how to dress a baby.  There was a lot of overlap, but overall the class made me feel more comfortable for what is to come. 

Our next class is this weekend and it's on breast feeding.  This should be especially fun since we'll be going with the two other couples.  We're all new to it together, so it's comforting to have friends around who are on the same page, understanding that we have no clue what to do and excited that we're all going to figure it out eventually. :)

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