February 25, 2012

31 weeks [praying for Judah]

Development Prayers:
This week, Judah measures over 16 inches long. He weighs about 3.3 pounds and is heading into a growth spurt. He can turn his head from side to side, and his arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath his skin. He's definitely moving a lot more too and with bigger movements--my stomach rolls as he moves--Joel and I just sit and watch. From what I've read all the movement is a great sign that Judah is active and healthy--praise God.  Continue to pray for Judah's last stage of development and for a long pregnancy until he is full term. 

  • I can feel Judah's hiccups!  He has them either once or twice a day--and it's how I knew that he had turned into a downward position because they are so low.  When we had our last ultrasound, my feelings were confirmed.  
  • Speaking of ultrasounds, we have to have one more ultrasound in about 2 weeks because while he is head down, he is also face down and they want to see certain angles of his heart and face that they haven't seen yet. They said that everything they see in his heart is doing it's job, but it's just a standard checklist of things they like to see in the ultrasound.  I don't mind because I get to see him again--he's grown so much and I like hearing that all his measurements are good.  At our last ultrasound, they sound he is measuring in the 53rd percentile, which is a great place to be.  But you can still pray that he turns face up or turns to where they can see what they need to see.
  • I have so much energy to work in the nursery. And it's coming along just how I pictured it! I finished up the statement art piece that is above his crib this week and am so glad we went that route instead of the wood piece I was considering doing.  I painted Philippians 1:9-11 (And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.).  I pray this verse over him often and wanted to incorporate it as an attention point in his room.  I painted the words in a loose version of my handwriting to make it even more personal--we absolutely love how it came out--I'll share a pic later once I get the crib set up.
  • Our last baby class is this weekend--its a two-parter, so it will be Saturday and Sunday.  While I love going to the classes and learning a lot about the process, nutrition, what to expect, strategies for birth, etc., we will both be so glad when we are done. They take up so much of our weekend, and with so much still left to do, we are guarding our weekends to rest and get things done.
  • I'm making it a point to eat better during this stage--I know it's an important time for his development, so I eat a small portion of sugar and load up on meats, fruits, and veggies, along with some carbs.  But with that makes a definitely more expensive and frequent grocery store trip--ouch.  I told Joel that after we have Judah I want a big diet coke, an icee, a sweet tea, and lots of coffee--just drinking water, milk, and OJ has it's perks and is great for Judah, but definitely leaves a girl wanting more after almost 8 months.

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