January 30, 2012

glugross test

Well I don't have gestational diabetes!  But not without worrying I did though.  As my last doctor's appointment, she told me that I would be coming in early to take the test.  Basically, you drink this drink (very, very sugary orange syrup consistency--so gross), and then you wait an hour and have your blood drawn.  I asked my doc if I needed to fast for 12 hours the night before and she said no.  But then I told her that my mom had it with me and later had Type 2 diabetes.  To this she replied, "Ohhh, yeah--you'll definitely want to fast then." What the heck?! Apparently my odds of having it were drastically increased.

So the day arrived, I fasted, drank the drink, gave my blood, and then failed the test.  Since I barely failed it, the nurse told me to come back in and take the test again, but I had to do a three-hour version, which was today.  I fasted again, got there, got my blood taken before, and then I drank the drink.  So then every hour for the next three hours, they took my blood.  My poor arm was killing me because my left arm has the easiest vein to get to and was used three out of the four times. Also Judah was doing acrobats since this test makes you take 100 g instead of the 50 g you take the first time, so that and my book kept me sane over the three hours.

I finally got to go home around noon, so Joel and I headed to breakfast (I was STARVING at this point).  Before today, I was so worried I had it at first, but as we prayed about it and got friends to pray about it, I felt more at ease even if I did get the phone call saying I did. 

They finally called around 2:20 pm and informed me that my levels for all four tests looked good.  I was so relieved!  I'm so thankful I don't have to deal with all the things that gestational diabetes brings, but I will say it was an eye opener that got me double checking my carb and sugar intake, which is good to keep on eye on anyway.

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