April 12, 2012

37 weeks [praying for Judah]

Development Prayers
Judah is now considered "full term," even though our due date is weeks away. If I go into labor now, his lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb. He also weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel.  Continue to pray that the womb is a safe environment for him and that his lungs are fully developed.  Also pray that my placenta is healthy and that the bleeding that I had last week wasn't related and had to do with my cervix dilating.

  • I'm still sleeping great--getting out of bed is the hardest part--my lower muscles are the only thing that hurt.
  • After the hospital scare, things are getting done at a much faster pace now.  The pack n play is built; furniture in our bedroom is getting moved out to make room; clothes, bibs, blankets, and burp clothes are getting washed; bags are packed, etc. Our house still looks like a mess, but I'm not even going to attempt to clean it because it just doesn't matter.  I'd love to get a housekeeper to come in before the baby comes, but I just don't know if that's a reality or not.  As long as Joel can keep up with the dishes and garbage, then I'm happy.
  • I'm ready.  Before our trip to the hospital, I wasn't sure if I was mentally prepared for labor or bringing him home--but I am SO ready now.  I wake up every morning thinking, "Ok, I can do this." I don't care about finishing our last few tasks in the least now--I just want to hold him and for him to be here.

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